Discount Business Strategy: How the New Market Leaders are Redefining Business Strategy商业折扣战略方法与实施 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

Discount Business Strategy: How the New Market Leaders are Redefining Business Strategy商业折扣战略方法与实施精美图片
》Discount Business Strategy: How the New Market Leaders are Redefining Business Strategy商业折扣战略方法与实施电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Discount Business Strategy: How the New Market Leaders are Redefining Business Strategy商业折扣战略方法与实施书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470033531
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-11
  • 页数:306
  • 价格:596.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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"Michael Andersen and Flemming Poulfelt provide a provocative discussion of the rapidly growing role of discounters across numerous industries: how they operate; how they create uniqueness; and how they can destroy value for incumbents. Understanding the specific moves and tools that the authors analyze will be valuable for attackers and incumbents alike."

—Adrian J. Slywotzky, Director, Mercer Management Consulting USA

"This book is very timely, dealing with today's most critical strategic issue: how to provide more value to the consumer through aggressive discounting. Those players in manufacturing and distribution who master this will be the winners; many established firms will fall by the wayside. A similar set of issues are facing many nations today - Europe vs. Asia!"

—Peter Lorange, President, IMD, Switzerland

"Andersen and Poulfelt have researched one of the most important themes in today's business world - how fundamentally new business models have wiped out establishments not with new products or technologies, but by creating new rules for conventional industries. Read this book and learn how to recognize the disruption of your industry before it is too late!"

—Sigurd Liljenfeldt, Senior Partner, Monitor Group, France

"This book asks if a firm can have its cake and eat it too - that is, maintain high quality at low prices. My favourite example and shopping place is big box Costco. Ikea is another. A must read for a broad audience concerned about corporate survival!"

—Professor Larry E. Greiner, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, USA

The aspiration to adopt the right strategy still prevails over the business world. But is there a single 'best' strategy for a company? Can an organization create sustainable competitive advantage from an 'off-the-peg' strategy? And are most companies likely to craft a strategy that genuinely creates uncontested market space and makes the competition irrelevant?

The answer to all these questions is probably 'No'. And the rising tide of  companies like Dell, CostCo, Skype and Linux means that asking them at all may soon be futile. While strategists have foundered in old paradigms, a new breed of competitors has emerged. Value destroyers. Old-style thinking understood value destruction when it was confined to an industry and driven by a new product or technology. But what are the implications when the destruction stems from a new way of thinking - from a strategy that simultaneously creates value?

The implications are enormous. Every company in every industry is potentially at risk.

This risk - or opportunity - is precisely the reason for this book and its focus on exploring why and how some companies have bridged the gap between differentiator and cost leader strategies to emerge as winners in hypercompetitive markets, and what this entails in terms of value destruction and creation. Discounting organizations are here to stay - are you?



1 Why are some companies more successful thanothers?

The real life laboratory

Creating value and simultaneous destruction

The volume game

Simplicity - the word of the day

Cut to the core

Service? Something we'd rather do ourselves

The black box of strategy turned upside down

2 The oxymoron of existing strategies: where do we

go from here?

Conventional strategic thinking

The generic strategy framework

Porter challenged

Mixed strategies - the airline industry

3 When discount strategy becomes important

Hyper competitive markets and traditional strategy

The position of a discount strategy

A single form - a simple form?


Cultivating a hyper competitive market by way ofa consistent approach to the notion of discountstrategy

A contradiction to the bursting of the IT-bubble

The mobile sector - hyper-competition

CBB as the enhanced service provider

The original mission and strategy

Crisis and the filing of a petition for bankruptcy

The discount strategy - not a single quick fix

New management

Reinvention of the IT-systems

A new customer care concept

New brand and branding

Reverse relationship marketing

Political mass marketing

Reorganization of the distribution

Cost cutting programs

Active price leadership

CBB's discount product - cheaper and better

Product production characteristics

Product marketing characteristics

CBB's use of price as a tactical weapon

The importance of the price visa-vis the customers

Active leadership in price wars

Results - best in class

A revolution in the mobile sector?


5 Lidl

Gaining ground in a hyper competitive market bya consistent discount strategy


6 Ryanair

7 The building blocks of a discount business strategy

8 The attractiveness of the core product

9 A good brand is much more than a good brand

10 The discount customer and social capetal

11 Finding the suitable technology

12 Value creation and value destruction

13 Epilogue















  Michael Moesgaard Andersen is CEO of Andersen Advisory Group A/S. He and his team have provided strategy advice to numerous companies and public organizations around the world, and he is also directly involved in business development through his own venture capital company. He has worked as a lecturer at Copenhagen University and as external examiner at Copenhagen Business School, and is a frequent speaker at conferences. He is the author of numerous articles and two books on technology and management issues.

  Flemming Poulfelt is Professor of Management and Strategy and Vice Dean at Copenhagen Business School, and Director of LOK Research Center. He is the author of many articles and books on the subjects of strategy, professional service firms, change management, knowledge management and management consulting. His books include The Contemporary Consultant (2004) and Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs (2006). He has served on numerous corporate boards, consults widely and is a frequent speaker at seminars and conferences.



What people are saying about Discount Business Strategy : "Michael Andersen and Flemming Poulfelt provide a provocative discussion of the rapidly growing role of discounters across numerous industries: how they operate; how they create uniqueness; and how they can destroy value for incumbents. Understanding the specific moves and tools that the authors analyze will be valuable for attackers and incumbents alike."

—Adrian J. Slywotzky, Director, Mercer Management Consulting USA "This book is very timely, dealing with today′s most critical strategic issue: how to provide more value to the consumer through aggressive discounting. Those players in manufacturing and distribution who master this will be the winners; many established firms will fall by the wayside. A similar set of issues are facing many nations today – Europe vs. Asia!"

—Peter Lorange, President, IMD, Switzerland "Andersen and Poulfelt have researched one of the most important themes in today′s business world – how fundamentally new business models have wiped out establishments not with new products or technologies, but by creating new rules for conventional industries. Read this book and learn how to recognize the disruption of your industry before it is too late!"

—Sigurd Liljenfeldt, Senior Partner, Monitor Group, France "This book asks if a firm can have its cake and eat it too – that is, maintain high quality at low prices. My favourite example and shopping place is big box Costco. Ikea is another. A must read for a broad audience concerned about corporate survival!"

—Professor Larry E. Greiner, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, USA The aspiration to adopt the right strategy still prevails over the business world. But is there a single ′best′ strategy for a company? Can an organization create sustainable competitive advantage from an ′off–the–peg′ strategy? And are most companies likely to craft a strategy that genuinely creates uncontested market space and makes the competition irrelevant? The answer to all these questions is probably ′No′. And the rising tide of companies like Dell, CostCo, Skype and Linux means that asking them at all may soon be futile. While strategists have foundered in old paradigms, a new breed of competitors has emerged. Value destroyers. Old–style thinking understood value destruction when it was confined to an industry and driven by a new product or technology. But what are the implications when the destruction stems from a new way of thinking – from a strategy that simultaneously creates value? The implications are enormous. Every company in every industry is potentially at risk. This risk – or opportunity – is precisely the reason for this book and its focus on exploring why and how some companies have bridged the gap between differentiator and cost leader strategies to emerge as winners in hypercompetitive markets, and what this entails in terms of value destruction and creation. Discounting organizations are here to stay – are you?


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